Ileska Industries

Hi and Welcome my website. My nickname is Ileska and you can find out more about me in the whoami section.

Here you can find


I am Ileska a student from Finland. I am an active coder and IT person person. I have few websites/projects which are listed below.

I am looking for a job in the IT sector so if you have a job offer or just want to talk to me please send me an email, message me on Linkedin or message me on Telegram


Quiz site

School projects in which I made a quiz size. Once you have created a user and logged in you can create and answer multiple choice quizzes. It uses Deno's Oak framework as backend and ETA files for server side rendering.

Music streaming site

A site where you can listen to music. Unfortunaly user creation is not working so you need to message me to get access. Backend of this is made using Python's FastApi library and frontend is made using React. Source code can be found at my Github.

Shared shopping list

School projects in which I made a shared shopping list. You can create and delete a list, add items to list and collect them. It uses Deno as it backend without any framework and ETA files for server side rendering.


DO YOU WANT TO WORK for me. Well most likely you can't (if you want to get paid), but here you can apply for a job. I might or might not read your application. Backend of this is made using Python's FastApi library


Site for checking my other sites status. It has list of some of my sites and history of statuses. Backend of this is made using Python's FastApi library